Sunday, December 8, 2013

Faster than the speed of ... well, good sense

The Internet and social media have driven marketers to do things quickly.  Very quickly.  Sometimes too quickly.  Often, it's great to catch a wave of interest in a current topic, and FaceBook and Twitter provide instant opportunities to get out into the ether.  If posting and tweeting is delegated to someone whose primary interest is getting out quickly, though, there may not be enough thought about the content of the message.

The latest case in point (maybe victim is a better word) is the Campbell Soup Company, makers of SpaghettiOs.  They posted this happy little mascot in a celebratory stance to "remember Pearl Harbor."  Well, whoever posted this may have forgotten that Pearl Harbor was a "Day of Infamy" and that the remembrance is anything but a celebration.

The company ended up making a public apology ... and their gaffe was covered by major media. 

There's a danger, sometimes, in moving too fast.  I wonder if any of the marketing execs actually reviewed this image before it was tweeted. 

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