Tuesday, June 11, 2013

"If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six hours sharpening my axe."

Since the advent of the internet, marketers have been struggling to figure out how to use this shiny new tool in the toolbox.  They've also struggled with what to do with their tried and true marketing tools. 

Pacific Business News (a Hawaii weekly newspaper) just announced that it has revamped its publication strategy and it seems that they have figured out how their traditional print publication can coexist with their online edition. 

Up until now, both the print edition and the online edition featured breaking news.  The trouble with a weekly print publication in the internet age is that breaking news isn't very exciting when it's a week old and readers are used to getting instant gratification on their iPhones, tablets and computers. 

What PBN has done now is to rethink their product and use each of their two different formats to its best advantage.  The e-bulletins and web updates will cover braking news ... and the weekly print publication will focus solely on features and analysis. 

It's not rocket science, but it's gratifying to see companies finally understand how to properly use all the tools in the toolbox. 

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