Saturday, December 29, 2012

Stellar Customer Service Is Possible

I often use this blog to highlight companies that just don't get it when it comes to customer service.  Every once in a while, though, I find a company that, in fact, really does get it - and can be an example for poor mortals. 

Amazon recently provided such an example and the experience was so stunning that I've already told people about it.  It certainly merits some space on this blog. 

Here's what happened.  I ordered a gift from for my daughter early in the season and since were going to be visiting her for the holidays, I had it shipped to her address so I wouldn't have to carry it in my luggage when traveling. 

In the afternoon of December 21, I asked my daughter for the package so that I could wrap it.  The horrifying answer:  What package?  The package hadn't arrived!  Uh oh.  I would have to make the dreaded call to customer service.  What were the odds that we would get this resolved before Christmas?  My guess:  nil.

I went to the Amazon website and found the number for customer service.  I called the number with great trepidation.  As expected, I got a recording.  The recording said: please leave your telephone number and a representative would call back.  "What were the odds of that?" I thought.  After I hung up the phone, it rang again about a minute later ... and a real person from Amazon was on the line.

She listened to my story attentively ... and APOLOGIZED.  She retrieved the record of the purchase WITHOUT NEEDING A TRACKING NUMBER.  She apologized again and said that she would have the gift delivered by Christmas.  What were the odds of that?  Well, Amazon beat the odds.  A FEDEX truck arrived at the door on December 23.  Problem solved.  Amazon proved that companies can be civil and deliver stellar customer service in an age of automated calls and bureaucratic rules.    

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