Friday, September 21, 2012

How Do You Deal With a Juggernaut? Plant a Seed of Doubt

SamSung Takes On IPhone 5
There's no doubt about Apple's ability to generate buzz.  Weeks before the launch of IPhone 5, there were teaser stories across all media and lots of speculation about what wonders the new phone would introduce to the market.

If you're a competitor, I'm sure there would be a great temptation to lie low and wait until the pre-launch hype and the launch advertising subsides before responding to the juggernaut.

SamSung took a different approach and launched an advertising campaign touting the Galaxy 3's features, but also planting a seed of doubt about how cool the IPhone really is.

Now, SamSung is not going to sway hard core Apple customers.  They "drank the Kool Aid" and they'll buy anything that Apple puts out - standing in line for hours to do it.  That's a sign of a power brand.  But for those undecided's out there, SamSung's commercial provokes some doubt about just how cool the IPhone really is.

First, the commercial reiterates some existing doubts and issues about the IPhone (like the new adapter).  Then it makes comparisons, pitting the Galaxy 3 against the IPhone.

But the coup de grace is at the end of the commercial when SamSung questions the coolness of Apple users.  The SamSung hero in the commercial has been standing in line,demonstrating the wonders of his Galaxy 3.  When asked if he's giving up on Galaxy to get a new IPhone he responds by saying he's just holding a place in line - for his totally uncool parents.  It's a great deflater for Apple's cool demographic.

Here's a link to the commercial.  SamSung Galaxy S3 Ad

I've often used Apple ads in class to demonstrate how you can be creative and effective at the same time.  I'm delighted to see that SamSung can dish it out, too.

Let the competition continue. 

1 comment:

Laura Kinoshita said...

As much as I love Apple, this commercial was really well done as plays on truthful insights.