Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Joy (and Value) of Networking

The Need to Network …

I’m finding that, in these difficult economic times, there are fewer people joining professional associations and attending professional development programs. I’m sure the reason is financial. In tough times, there is a drive to cut every cost that you can. However, I would like to make the case that, especially in times like this, networking through associations and conferences is essential – both for professional and personal reasons.

Professionally, in a time of rapid change, it is more important than ever to keep a finger on the pulse of change. You need to hone skills. You need to get outside perspectives from your peers and from professionals. Naval gazing in a tornado is not a recommended survival strategy.

On a personal level, this is the time to keep up your contacts. Even if you think you have a secure job now, that could change without much notice. Companies fail. And even for companies that are survivors, marketers are (unfortunately) too often at risk. If you don’t have a network outside your own company, you will be at a disadvantage in a job search. It’s all about your network.

So, cut costs where you must. But be careful not to cut off the resources you’ll need to survive.

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